So the other day I tweeted this:
Note to self: no seriously you are banned from reading any baby sleep sites or books. BANNED. #zomgbaby
— Wench (@kingdomofwench) July 17, 2014
[Text: Note to self: no seriously you are banned from reading any baby sleep sites or books. BANNED. #zomgbaby]
We got here because I am a reader. And a researcher. I cannot even tell you how many hours I spent reading baby books and websites while pregnant, and that hasn't really stopped now that The Velociraptor has made an appearance (and been around for TWO AND A HALF MONTHS WHAT). So I was reading baby sleep sites!
And they pretty much all say things like DON'T DO THIS YOU WILL RUIN YOUR CHILD FOREVERRRRRRR (not always in those exact words, but it surprises me how close many of them are) and YOUR BABY SHOULD BE DOING THIS and HERE ARE THE WORST MISTAKES YOU CAN MAKE.
Oh my fucking god! So stressful!
Also, none of them agree with each other. They do not even agree on the basics of how many hours per day babies should sleep at various ages, much less on how many naps babies should take, the best way to get babies to nap, etc. and so on.
But I kept reading them, because y'all, The Kid's naps are a MESS.
Here's the thing. I am not complaining. I'm frustrated, but I'm not complaining, because The Velociraptor has slept through the night since they were about two weeks old. And not that crappy "oh five hours is TOTALLY sleeping through the night" that sleep sites and books try to sell you. Nah dude. At least seven hours. Right now, we're averaging nine hours straight a night.
But daytime sleep, since about a month ago, has been a mess. Developmentally, this makes a lot of sense, because right about that time zie discovered that they could talk to us! And hit things! And move their legs! And there was a baby in the mirror! And they could grab things! And they could maybe roll over! So there were ALL SORTS OF SUPER NEAT THINGS TO SEE AND DO AND TRY at once so FUCK SLEEPING AMIRITE CHECK THIS OUUUUUTTTTTT
So then we'd get to the point where The Kid would be up for five hours at a time (note: ALL sites agree that is WAY too long awake for a baby The Kid's age), and then suddenly crash and be screaming. And then only sleep 26 minutes (I am not kidding, you can set a fucking watch by this child). And wake up cranky, RINSE AND REPEAT.
But even in the midst of that, The Kid would sleep through the night. GETTING them to sleep was a challenge, but once they were out, they were out.
So I would read sites about how to get your baby to nap regularly and not be up for five hours. And then when things wouldn't work and we'd have one of Those Days again I would be in TEARS because WHAT AM I DOING WRONG WHYYYYYYYY and feel horrible about nursing The Kid to sleep or sometimes just giving up when they were tired and not going to sleep and just letting them quietly play in their crib and did I mention TEARS.
This is no good.
Because here's the thing. I even asked The Kid's pediatrician about it. She said "Do the best you can. It's great zie's sleeping through the night, and I often find that great night sleepers are crappy day sleepers and vice versa. It'll probably settle down after three months, so in the mean time, do what you can."
And that's just it. The Kid sleeps through the night. They are ahead of the curve developmentally. Even when super fucking tired, they are not super fussy and impossible to calm down. Does it suck when they are up three, four, five hours and I'm like GO TO SLEEP JUST GO TO SLEEP? YES. YES IT DOES. Because it feels like I am beating my head against a brick wall and I can't stop. But, zie does eventually go to sleep (and increasingly, they seem to want LESS intervention to go to sleep). And while most people would tell you that the unpredictability of the nap schedule right now means going out is hellacious, honestly, it isn't for us. We took a road trip to Chicago last week, then road-tripped to Michigan from Chicago, and zie did AMAZINGLY FINE. So it's not like this is keeping me tied home or anything.
But oh, the SHOULD and MUST and BLAH BLAH BLAH of sites. Oh my gods.
I have decided that pretty universally, people are just making most of that shit up (not the part about babies needing a lot of sleep; that is pretty easy to tell just by observation. The rest of it, though, is highly suspect). So FUCK THEM. They don't know MY kid. (They really don't; none of them I've found even remotely address a 2-month-old who sleeps through the night but is a terrible napper; at this age they're all like HERE IS HOW TO TEACH YOUR CHILD TO SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT... thanks player, lucked out on that one already). The Man and I know our kid. And so some days we have horrible no good nap days, and some are rock star days, and in the meantime, we make sure zie is clean and fed and we try to get them to sleep as regularly as possible.
IFFFFFFFFFF you find yourself wanting sleep talk/reassurances, Amalah from Alpha Mom's Advice Smackdown offers pretty sensible stuff. Namely: Kids! They are all different! and horrible! Like you (us) she's a researcher who read a zillion books, and she's had 3 kids who were all very different in their sleep needs/habits. So she's got a lot of "this might work" and "don't worry about this, it's a phase" and "HELLO THAT IS SLEEP REGRESSION IT R NORMAL" and "have you tried this? It worked for X and Y but Z hated it."
ReplyDeleteOne thing that just about always calmed Niko down was swaddling. Being confined + cozy did the trick. It also really helped keep him from throwing out his arms/legs and startling himself/waking himself back up. Wearing him in a wrap also helped, he just needed to feel close and protected.
Buuuuuuuut.... Babby Velociraptor is thriving, yeah? Just a dick about naps? You'll get through this.
Okay this is now my THIRD ATTEMPT at replying ON MY OWN BLOG, so fuck you Google and I am apparently not with it?
I am continually grateful you recommended Amalah to me lo these many months ago, because she is awesomeeeeeeeeee.
As for swaddles, The Velociraptor only likes them if they can break out of them during sleep. NOT EVEN KIDDING. When they are in the magic unbreakable swaddle, they sleep fewer hours than if they can Houdini their way out of it. That being said, one, we only resort to those anyway if they seem to be having trouble shutting down the HOLY SHIT LOOK WHAT I CAN DO WITH MY ARMS part of their brain, and two, they move SO MUCH in their sleep, I have found them rotated 180 degrees from where I laid them down. So I'm pretty glad that for the most part, they are a-okay not being swaddled.
Also <3 <3 <3 you are the besssstttttttt
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