
Monday, November 3, 2014

Cloth Diapers, Six Months In

One of the other things I found immensely helpful when researching cloth diapers was how things worked as the babies grew. So here's my contribution.

Here is a link to the list of things we use.

We have added a bit to the stash. I bought more cloth wipes (like, 45 more cloth wipes), and have considered buying more but haven't yet. Sometimes we really do go through a dozen or more wipes in a diaper change. The "fold them up and dunk them as necessary" system still works a treat though.

I've also bought some more covers. I bought a half a dozen Thirsties Duo Wraps in size 2, a couple more of those in size 1, and some more Flip covers. Cotton Babies, the maker of Flip, regularly releases limited edition patterned diaper covers. Bet your ass I got Spence, the pirate cover. I also have Stellar, their new midnight blue solid colored cover, on pre-order. I know that the "limited edition" is marketing, and they're not any better than the regular covers, but I am susceptible to the marketing of cuteness, sooooo.

I've also sent in a few covers to be converted to snaps. In my last post, I mentioned a hook and loop Blueberry cover and a hook and loop cover from Nicki's Diapers, wherein I did not like the laundry tabs. Well, now I really don't fucking like them, because they stopped working about two months ago. Every time I washed those covers, the tabs would come open, and attach themselves to the flats in the wash. Leading to some tears in a couple of the Gerber flats. AWESOME. One of the Flips in hook and loop had this problem too (actually, from the time we bought it, but it was on clearance so whatever - and I do want to note, none of my other Flip hook and loop covers have ever had this problem). So I found a person on Etsy who will remove the hook and loop and apply snaps for a reasonable price. It's something technically I can do myself, but gods I hate setting snaps so I am happy to pay someone else to deal with that.

The Thirsties and Flips are still definitely our favorite covers, and we still strongly prefer hook and loop for the Thirsties. In fact, all of the new Thirsties covers I bought were hook and loop. We are using some of the size 2 Thirsties covers. They are definitely big on The Kid, but not so big they're unusable. They're big kind of like how a bunch of covers were big on hir as a newborn. When we close the size 2s, the tabs are definitely overlapping. Right now we're stuffing them with a prefold, and I think we'll continue doing that as The Kid grows. The nice thing is, we are still using the size small prefolds from Diaper Junction as diapers, since we just fold them and lay them in a cover. If I were fastening the prefold around hir, well, that stopped working about two months ago or so. The size mediums work just fine for that.

Oh, yeah - sometimes we do just use a Snappi fastener and fasten a prefold around The Kid's bum and don't use a cover. Usually this happens when zie has a diaper rash, and I want to give hir some "air time". I Snappi a prefold on hir, then lay hir in hir crib, because we always have a waterproof pad under hir sheets. Not that we've needed it - The Kid has pooped when this has been going on, and the prefolds have contained everything. So yes, I recommend the Diaper Junction prefolds, and I'll likely be getting more. I do not recommend the Econobums prefolds. They're perfectly fine cotton, and nice and soft, but they are the wrong size no matter how I fold them. If I fold them along the long seams, they're too long and skinny, and I have to fold down the front to get them to fit on The Kid. If I fold them along the short seams, they're too short and wide. Right now we use them as soaker pads on the changing pad, or as a mat under the bowl of wipe water, so the top of The Kid's dresser doesn't get ruined.

Oh, yeah, some of our flats and prefolds do have stains on them now, WELP. Guess what? They still smell super-clean and work just as well. If I wanted, I could move the drying rack in the attic to a window and sun them, but I don't care that much.

We were having a slight smell problem with the polyester/PUL covers we use. The cotton was fine after every wash, but after a month or so, the covers retained just the faintest bit of poop odor. I was bleaching them once a month, which worked fine, although they also hung on to the bleach smell for a while. Then I did a little more research and found out that perhaps a bit more detergent in the wash would do the trick, and it seems to have done so nicely. Right now we use the full recommended amount for a "medium" load in All Free & Clear, and the smell is gone. GOOD TIMES. For information about how much detergent might work for you, here is a handy chart of diaper wash load size and detergents. We usually wash 12-18 diapers in a load of laundry, but we've gone up to 21 diapers with attendant wipes and wet bag.

We are no longer using any of the Bumkins covers. The elastic started failing on another, then they all started leaking. That or they were wicking really badly, but long story short, if they were on for more than like, half an hour, The Velociraptor's clothes would be wet. So those are gone. We do still have a Bumkins wet bag that I use when on the go, and that seems to work fine.

Oh yes - we have traveled and I have gone on errands using just cloth diapers. They're bulkier in the diaper bag, but it's totally doable. I don't take cloth wipes with when traveling because I haven't figured out a good way to do so. I just use regular disposable wipes. I either throw them directly in the trash, or put them in the outside "dry" pocket of the wet bag, and put the diapers in the main "wet" pocket. Then I empty the wipes in to my trash at home and throw the diapers and wet bag in the wash. We actually did a weekend trip out of state using nothing but cloth diapers, and it wasn't horrible. I feel a little weird about my life right now, but honestly? Yeah, it worked and it's doable. It's also totally fine to be like "fuck all of that, give me a box of Pampers", because we do that on the regular too. Like when we go to my mom's house, because fuck if I'm going to figure out how to wash diapers in her HE washing machine.

I do still wash and dry a load of diapers per day. It takes a while in the wash, but it doesn't take much of my time, and honestly, it works for us. I'm the kind of person who feels the need to accomplish something each day, so even if all I do is keep myself and The Kid alive and wash a load of diapers, HEY IT'S A WINNING DAY alright. I'm unsure how much our gas bill has gone up, for all of the hot water. And we do use way more detergent than we used to. We'd be doing more laundry anyway, but seven extra loads a week is not free, you know? Plus diaper laundry is like fucking magic. I throw in a bunch of things with pee and poop on them and a couple hours later, MAGICALLY CLEAN it's amazing.

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